In the depths of the sea, for over thousands of year, porous solid masses have developed which are mainly sea zoophytes and show a great absorbent ability. These are spongous or as they are commonly known, sponges. They are applied mainly in pharmaceutical, household and personal hygiene. The natural sponge belongs to the genus of porifera. It is found in various areas of the sea mainly in lukewarm water where there are mild sea currents and at various depths.
The main feature of this sponge is the sense of velvet created by its delicate texture during the bath. It is ideal for sensitive – dry skins offering a very mild exfoliation which is perfect for the everyday cleansing routine
If properly handled can last for longer than 3 years. Simply wash after every use, squeeze and let to completely dry between uses.
We collaborate with sea sponge divers that operate within the framework of the CITES Convention (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna and Flora) under which no process and trade of any endangered species is allowed if not approved of first by CITES. This ensures ecological balance and that fishing does not go over the allowed limit.